- Sutura artroscopica tendoane coafa rotatori
- Decompresie subacromiala
- Tratamentul chirurgical al instabilitatii umarului (Bankart artroscopic sau Latarjet)
- Decompresie nervi periferici (tunel carpian si cubital)
- Hemiartroplastie umar
- Artroplastie umar (proteza totala anatomica si inversata)
- Artroplastie cu proteza totala genunchi si sold
- Traumatologie
Studii si specializari
Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie “Carol Davila”
Atestate studii complementare
Expertiza medicala si afiliere academica
Cu o calificare înaltă și o vastă experiență practică, precum si datorită angajamentului pentru îmbunătățire permanenta Dr. Emil-George Haritinian contribuie la succesul clinicii nostre. A absolvit numeroase cursuri de formare medicală si este afiliat unor prestigioase organizații medicale, printre care se remarca:
- Societatea Română de Artroscopie și Traumatologie Sportivă (SRATS) – membru în Comitetul SRATS de Umăr
- Societatea Română de Ortopedie și Traumatologie (SOROT)
- European Society of Sports Traumatology Knee Surgery & Arthroplasty (ESSKA)
- European Shoulder Associates (ESA)
Stagii / Cursuri / Seminare
Experiențe educaționale, inclusiv stagii de pregătire în instituții medicale prestigioase, cursuri specializate și participări la seminarii relevante. Aceste oportunități au contribuit semnificativ la dezvoltarea profesională și la acumularea cunoștințelor esențiale în domeniul medical.
- Spitalul Tivoli, Universitatea Ligera din Bruxelles, Belgia
- Spitalul Good Hope, Birmingham, Marea Britanie
- Spitalul Pitie – Salpetriere, Paris, Franta
- ESSKA Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Course – ALL about Instability & OTHER Glenohumeral Disorders, Cologne, Germany, 2019
- ESSKA Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Course ALL about Rotator Cuff & Other Subacromial Disorders, Watford, UK, 2019
- Integra Shoulder Days, Madrid, Spain, 2018
- UK West Midlands Summer in Bucharest, International Educational Exchange between Good Hope Hospital HEFT and Foisor University
- RMN și ecografia in patologia umărului, Bucuresti, Romania, 2015
- A Carpathian Summer in Britain, Good Hope Hospital, HEFT, faculty member, Birmingham, Marea Britanie, 2014
- Reserve & Fracture Shoulder Arthroplasty - BioSkills Course, Viena, Austria, 2013
- Orthopaedica Belgica Training Course „Articular Fractures of the Inferior Limb" Liège, Belgia, 2010
- Weill Cornell Seminar “Bone and Joint Surgery", Salzburg, Austria, 2010
- Weill Cornell Seminar “Bone and Joint Surgery", Salzburg, Austria, 2010
- Arthroscopy – Hands-on Course with Cadaver Dissection, Graz, Austria, 2008
- AO Regional Courses Central Europe – Advances in Operative Fracture Management, Belek/Antalya, Turcia, 2007
- AO Regional Courses Central Europe -Principles of Operative Fracture Management, Belek/Antalya, Turcia, 2006
- ESSKA Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Course, Watford, Marea Britanie, 2018
- Masterclass "Difficult Primary & Revision Hip", Vilnius, Lituania, 2018
- Atelier practic de ecografie de umăr pentru chirurgi, Paris, Franta 2017
- ESSKA Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Course ALL about Rotator Cuff & Other Subacromial Disorders, Verona, Italia 2017
- Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop, Gross-Gerau, Germania 2017
- Instructor curs chirurgie artroscopica pentru medici specialisti ortopezi in vederea obtinerii competentei (module: notiuni de baza, artroscopie genunchi, umar), UMF Carol Davila , Spitalul de Ortopedie Foisor, 2013-2020
- Exeter Hip Academy Level 2, Bucharest, Romania, 2016
- Periprosthetic Joint Infection. The biggest challenge in orthopedics today. Hamburg. Germania, 2016
- Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop , Gross-Gerau, Germania, august 2013
- MIS Application of Locking Plates & Periprosthetic Plates – BioSkills Course, Viena, Austria, 2013
- Instructional Course “TKA Primary and Revision", Stolzalpe, Austria, 2013
- Weill Cornell/Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Seminar “Soft Tissue, Bone and Skin Malignancies", Salzburg, Austria, 2012
- Fracture Management during the Growth – Workshop, Graz, Austria, 2011
- AO Trauma Course Approaches & Osteosynthesis with Cadaver Dissection, Graz, Austria, 2011
- Instabilités antérieures de l'épaule – Colloque interhospitalier en Orthopédie, Bruxelles, Belgia, 2011
- Periprosthetic Fractures of the Hip – Instructional Course, Wemmel, Belgia, 2011
Realizari notabile
Realizări semnificative care au adus contribuții valoroase în domeniu. Peste 50 de lucrari stiintifice si 10 articole indexate in Web of Science Core Collection dintre care:
- Reverse versus anatomical shoulder arthroplasty in patients with intact rotator cuff. Haritinian EG, Belgaid V, Lino T, Nové-Josserand L. International Orthopaedics. 2020 Jul 30 doi: 10.1007/s00264-020-04754-z
- The Invisible MGHL Test: Diagnostic Value and Benefits for the Repair of Retracted Subscapularis Tears. Chauvet T, Haritinian E, Baudin F, Collotte P, Nové-Josserand L. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2020 Jul;48(9):2144-2150. doi: 10.1177/0363546520929695
- Methods of intra- and post-operative determination of the position of the tibial component during total knee replacement. Popescu R, Haritinian EG, Cristea S. International Orthopaedics. 2020 Jan;44(1):119-128. doi: 10.1007/s00264-019-04424-9
- The Middle Glenohumeral Ligament Test for the Diagnosis of Subscapularis Lesions L.N. Josserand, T. Chauvet, E. Haritinian, P. Collotte, L. Merlini, T.D. Vieira , Arthroscopy Techniques 2019 doi:10.1016/j.eats.2019.09.013
- Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty using helical blade to optimize glenoid fixation and bone preservation: preliminary results in thirty-five patients with minimum two year follow-up. Zilber S, Camana E, Lapner P, Haritinian E, Nove Josserand L. International Orthopaedics. 2018 doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-3891-1
- Relevance of Finite Element in Total Knee Arthroplasty - Literature Review. Popescu R, Haritinian EG, Cristea S. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2019 Jul-Aug;114(4):437-442. doi: 10.21614/chirurgia.114.4.437.
- Intérêt du ligament gléno-huméral moyen dans le diagnostic et la réparation des lésions du subscapularis. T. Chauvet, P. Collotte, F. Baudin , E. Tebaa E. Haritinian, L. Merlini, L. Nove-Josserand SFA
- Rennes 2019, Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, Volume 105, Issue 8, Supplement, December 2019, Page S134
- Lésions du subscapularis : une classification basée sur les lésions structurelles, superposable à celle du supraspinatus. Laurent Nové‐Josserand, T. Chauvet, E. Haritinian, P. Colotte SOFCOT Paris 2019
- Review Over the Therapeutic Benefit of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Orthopaedic Patients G. Gheorghievici, A.S. Nica, B. Mitoiu, D. Clantau, E. Haritinian, R. Cismasiu, C.I.Stoica, Modern Medicine, vol 26, nr. 1 2019 doi: 10.31689/rmm.2019.26.1.5
- Orthopedic Metallic Implants – To Do or Not to Do MRI S. Ghiea , E. Haritinian – lector invitat - congres SOROT București 2019, Maedica Book of Abstracts October 2019
- Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Indications and Results. E. Haritinian, L. Gherasim, N. Vintila. G, Gheorghievici, A XVI-a Conferinţă Naţională de Balneologie şi Recuperare Medicală Bucuresti, April 2019
- The Treatment of Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation.E. Haritinian, L. Gherasim, N. Vintila. G, Gheorghievici, A XVI-a Conferinţă Naţională de Balneologie şi Recuperare Medicală Bucuresti, April 2019
- Multimodal rehabilitation programs after anterior cruciate ligament surgery - Gavril Gheorghievici, Cristian Ioan Stoica, Emil Haritinian, Adriana Sarah Nica A XVI-a Conferinţă Naţională de Balneologie şi Recuperare Medicală Bucuresti, April 2019
- Orthopedic Metalic Hardware – To do or not to do MRI? Orthopedics and Imaging Points of View. S. Ghiea, E. Haritinian, Musculoskeletal Imaging Society National Congress, Timisoara, June 2019 -lector invitat
- Knee Osteonecrosis – treatment and results E.G. Haritinian, C.I. Stoica, G.L. Gheorghievici, S. Mogos Musculoskeletal Imaging Society National Congress , Timisoara, June 2019 – lector invitat
- Étude des lésions du subscapularis : une nouvelle classification basée sur les lésions structurelles. T. Chauvet, F. Baudin, E. Haritinian SOTEST Dijon 2019
- Elemente de anatomie a genunchiului, Emil Haritinian Cursul Național de Artroscopie cu participare internațională, București 2015
- Getting it Straight the First Time: Alignment in TKR Surgery, Emil Haritinian, A Carpathian Summer in Britain, Good Hope Hospital HEFT, Birmingham, UK, 2014
- Annual Report 2001-2011 Romanian Arthroplasty Register, Scientific Advisor, Association „Registrul de endoprotezare” 2013
- Navigated versus Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty: Functional Outcome and Analysis of Clinical Benefits and Cost Effectiveness E.G. Haritinian, J. Velpula, S. Giri, A. Anand, A. Pimpalnerkar Analele Universității “Dunărea de Jos” nr. 1 2013
- Computer-Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty: Does it Make a Difference? E.G.Haritinian, A.L. Pimpalnerkar Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(2) 2013 PMID: 24371482
- Fracturile de col femural Mihai Viorel Popescu, Emil Haritinian; Fracturile pertrohanteriene Mihai Viorel Popescu, Emil Haritinian Tratat de Chirurgie Vol. X- Ortopedie și Traumatologie coordonator Prof. Dr. Dinu Antonescu Editura Academiei Române 2012
- Our Experience with Computer – Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty – First 205 Cases E.G. Haritinian, A, Pimpalnerkar, D.M. Antonescu ASORIS Revista de Ortopedie şi Traumatologie 4(28) 2012
- Knee Alignment in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A comparison of Navigation Assisted Surgery with Conventional Technique A. Pimpalnerkar, E. Haritinian, N. Campion, A. Anand – prezentare 6th Annual Conference of CAOS UK, 2012
- Navigated e.motion Total Knee Arthroplasty: Functional Outcome and Analysis of Clinical Benefits, Cost Effectiveness and Patients Choice A. Pimpalnerkar, E. Haritinian, N. Campion, A. Anand, J. Velpula – prezentare 6th Annual Conference of CAOS UK, 2012
- Limb length equality in dysplastic hip arthroplasty – a goal hard to reach Popescu M., Cismasiu R., Haritinian E., Geamanu D. National Congress SOROT, Tg. Mures, Romania, 2007
- Mini Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty M. Popescu, A. Niţulescu, S. Tudor, T. Golia, Cişmaşiu R., Haritinian E., Nedelea G. National Conference SOROT, Bucharest, Romania, 2006
- Arthroplastie de la hanche par voie mini invasive (AMIS) – Première expérience Niţulescu A., Golia T., Tudor S., Haritinian E., Cişmaşiu R., Popescu M. 10ème Congrès de l’AOLF, Montréal, Canada, 2006.
- Minimizing complications rates in shoulder arthroplasty B. Sendrea, E. Haritinian, P. Metais – electronic poster UMF Carol Davila 7th Congress, Bucuresti 2019, Maedica Volume 14 Supplement 2019
- Surgical technique regarding arthroscopic Latarjet arthroplasty B. Sendrea, E. Haritinian, P. Metais – electronic poster UMF Carol Davila 7th Congress, Bucuresti 2019, Maedica Volume 14 Supplement 2019
- The challenges of arthroscopic diagnosis of subscapularis tears E. Haritinian, B. Sendrea, L.N. Josserand, Congres SRATS, Bucharest 2018, Revista de Chimie Sep 2018 EID: 2-s2.0-85054308118
- La prothèse inversée de l’épaule dans la polyarthrite rhumatoïde, Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies, Volume 85, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 138-144 Laurent Nové-Josserand, Emil Haritinian doi :10.1016/j.monrhu.2017.12.004
- Revision total knee arthroplasty: Causes of failure, bone loss management and outcomes G. Viscopoleanu, B. Sendrea, E. Haritinian, Revista de Chimie Aug 2018 EID: 2-s2.0-85053910646
- Update on Rehabilitation Protocol Following ACL Reconstruction G.L. Gheorghievici, A.S. Nica, B. Mitoiu, D. Clantau, E. Haritinian, Cristian Ioan Stoica, Modern Medicine 2018 Sept ;25(3) :117-123 doi : 10.31689/rmm.2018.25.3.117
- Longitudinal clinical and anatomical analysis of arthroscopic supraspinatus tear repairs with follow-ups at 12, 24 and 120 months - Emil Haritinian, Laurent Nové-Josserand, congres SRATS 2018
- Modified McLaughlin Procedure for Chronic Unreduced Posterior Shoulder Dislocation E.G. Haritinian, A. Ciobanu, R. Popescu, M. Eremia, A. Chiribau UMF Congress, Bucharest 2017, Maedica Volume 12 (15) Supplement 2017
- Severe Knee Osteoarthritis Associated with Extra-articular Femoral Varus Deformity E.G.Haritinian, M. Eremia, R. Popescu, A. Chiribau UMF Congress, Bucharest 2017, Maedica Volume 12 (15) Supplement 2017
- Medial vs. lateral parapatellar approach in total knee arthroplasty for severe valgus knees: case report and literature review, Andrei Costin Tutovanu, Adrian Ciobanu, Mihail Eremia, Alexandru Chiribau, Emil George Haritinian, UMF Congress, Bucharest 2016, Maedica Volume 11 Supplement 2016
- Surgical treatment of neglected locked posterior dislocation of the shoulder: case report and literature review, Emil George Haritinian, Adrian Ciobanu, Roman Popescu, Mihai Eremia, Andrei Tutovanu, UMF Congress, Bucharest 2016, Maedica Volume 11 Supplement 2016
- Secondary septic hip osteoarthritis with no identified primary location – case presentation Mihail Eremia, Daniel Constantin Geamanu, Roman Popescu, Alexandru Chiribau, Emil George Haritinian, UMF Congress, Bucharest 2016, Maedica Volume 11 Supplement 2016
- Pelvic osteosarcoma resection and reconstruction of the abdominal wall defect with pedicled vastus lateralis flap – case report, Roman Popescu, Emil George Haritinian, Adrian Ciobanu, Dragos Zamfirescu, Mihail Eremia, Mihai Viorel Popescu, UMF Congress, Bucharest 2016, Maedica Volume 11 Supplement 2016
- Modular Prosthesis Knee Reconstruction in Oncologic Orthopaedic Surgery, Roman Popescu, Emil George Haritinian, Daniel Constantin Geamanu, Mihai Viorel Popescu, Răzvan Silviu Cismasiu Maedica- a Journal of Clinical Medicine Volume 10 Abstracts Supplement, 2015
- Treatment of Pelvic Sarcomas by Hemipelvectomy, Roman Popescu, Emil George Haritinian, Răzvan Silviu Cismasiu, Daniel Constantin Geamanu, Mihai Viorel Popescu, Maedica- a Journal of Clinical Medicine Volume 10 Abstracts Supplement, 2015
- Alignment and Balancing in TKA for Fixed Varus Deformity, Emil G. Haritinian UK West Midlands Summer in Bucharest 2015
- Treatment of Postraumatic Infected Bone Defects by the Induced Membrane Technique – Case Report, Roman Popescu, Emil G. Haritinian, Anca Boca, Daniel Geamanu, Adrian Ciobanu, Mihai V.Popescu Research and Science Today Supplement No. 1/2015
- Tratamentul leziunilor meniscale, Emil Haritinian Cursul Național de Artroscopie cu participare internațională, București 2015
- Our experience in the treatment of periprosthetic Vancouver B type fractures Razvan Cișmașiu, Emil Haritinian, Daniel Geamanu, Mihai Popescu, Cristian Stoica E-Poster 11th Congress EFORT Madrid, Spain 2010
- Post-hemipelvectomy results in the treatment of malignant pelvic tumors M.V. Popescu, E.G. Haritinian, R.S. Cismasiu, D.C. Geamanu, A. Corbu SOROT Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Vol 19, No. 3 2009
- Femoral Neck Fractures Mihai Viorel Popescu, Emil Haritinian; Intertrochanteric Fractures Mihai Viorel Popescu, Emil Haritinian Textbook of Surgery Vol. X- Orthopaedics and Traumatology edited by Dinu Antonescu Romanian Academy 2009
- Hip fracture-dislocation treated per primam with arthroplasty Cişmaşiu R.S., Geamănu D.C., Haritinian E.G., Popescu M.V. Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma – AMR-SOROT 2009
- Reconstruction difficulties in THR for DDH Popescu M., Cişmaşiu R., Haritinian E., Geamănu D. SICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress – Hong Kong 2008
- Surgical Challenges in Mini Invasive Total Hip Arthroplasty, M.Popescu, A. Niţulescu, O. Trancău , E. Haritinian, R. Cişmaşiu Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma – AMR-SOROT,– vol 17, No.3, pag. 203-208, 2007
- Biomechanics of dysplastic hip, Cismaşiu R., Haritinian E, Geamanu D., M. Popescu National Congress SOROT, Tg. Mures, 2007
- The Wearing Out Prediction of the Polyethylene Component in THR in Patients with Hip Dysplasia Onisoru J., Popescu M., Cismasiu R., Haritinian E., Geamanu D. National Congress SOROT, Tg. Mures, 2007
- Difficulties in the reconstruction of adult dysplastic hip with uncemented total hip prosthesis Popescu M., Cismasiu R., Haritinian E., Geamanu D. National Congress SOROT, Tg. Mures, Romania, 2007